“We can choose to be affected by the world, or we can choose to affect the world.”

- Heidi Wills



We at nolaHYPE continue to provide cutting-edge and community-driven research opportunities. Our overall goal is to make sure communities are truly partners in the work. We have a number of ongoing studies and strive to keep communities members at the very center of our research and ensure that protocols are safe, ethical, and community responsive.


It’s okay, we’re not pushy. Just tell us how to contact you and we’ll follow-up to tell you more!

Or feel free to reach out to us:
(504) 988-3883



First Phase III Preventative HIV Vaccine Trial

Mosaico is a large study that will try to prove whether the experimental vaccine regimen can prevent HIV infection. These vaccines have been approved for research purposes only. If Mosaico can show that the study vaccine regimen works, it will be a very important step on the way to finding a safe and effective vaccine for the prevention of HIV.

PrEP Bot

TelePrEP & Chat Bot

We are recruiting gay and bisexual cis men, people of trans experience, and gender non-conforming people between the ages of 18-24 to share their unique experiences, perceptions, barriers, and other feelings surrounding PrEP. Community perspectives will be collected via a short survey and online focus groups to directly guide a social marketing campaign and 24/7 automated chatbot service designed to increase PrEP access and education.


HPTN 083 - Injectable PrEP

Give PrEP A Shot!

HPTN 083 is the first large-scale trial of a long-acting injectable drug for HIV prevention. The study was recently unblinded early because it showed that long-acting cabotegravir (CAB LA) lowered the chances of contracting HIV for cis-men and transwomen who have sex with men. We enrolled over 50 amazing volunteers here in New Orleans who all helped make history!



Health & Wellness Support for Youth

ATN CARES is a health study that works with youth ages 12-24. It’s a joint effort between the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and nolaHYPE of Tulane University and seeks to determine successful ways to support youth health and wellness. ATN CARES engages youth at high risk of HIV and youth already living with HIV into prevention and treatment services.